Convoy breaks down on M40 – May 2017

Good Closer P1000590 reducedA convoy of four warhead carriers with all the escort vehicles left Burghfield on the morning of Monday May 15th and headed along the M4 and up the A34 past Oxford. As it was joining junction 9 of the M40 at around 11am it obviously had a problem and pulled over onto the hard shoulder with some of the rear vehicles stopping in a layby still on the A34. The police stopped all the traffic on the slip road so that one of the Mercedes armoured personnel carriers (APC)s could be turned around to face the wrong way and hitched up to the tow truck that travels with the convoy. After 45 minutes the convoy set off up the motorway and the tow truck with APC followed later.Convoy escort vehicle being towed on M40 reduced

Nukewatchers who had been following it were able to get good photographs which were passed to the press later on.

We later had information from a member of the public that it was seen in the north of Lancaster having left the M6 at junction 34, now with its full complement of APCs. It appears to have spent the night at Halton Training Camp and left there again on the morning of Tues 16th May.

The convoy then travelled up the M6, M74, M80, M9 to stop for a break in DSG Stirling. After leaving there friends from Scottish CND took a good film of it. Watch it here. It then continued along the A811 to Balloch and went up Loch Lomondside and across the Haul road to Coulport arriving late afternoon.
